
Together, we are Made for Eternity

Texts for the day [Using the Wisdom Text] and “How To Survive and Apocalypse” from Breaking and Blessing by Sean Parker Dennison. Each of these texts opens up the possibilities of an apocalypse – that is an inbreaking of something new. In the Wisdom of Solomon we hear about the possibilities that God’s original intentions […]


Transgender in Process

One of the greatest things I have noticed as a transgender person, is that the principles of Process Theology are easy for me to understand. Every moment, every day, every breath is an improvisation of gender performance, identity, existence. I am constantly trying to determine if and when to change, if and when to shift, […]


Dear Family Member,

You just heard that that beloved cousin, honored aunt, or grandchild has come out as transgender. They are someone you love deeply. Yet, right now you’re terrified of hurting them. Here are my secrets that I wish my family had known and enacted when I came out. Clearly now, not all of these hints will […]


An Advent of Becoming: A Late Night Sermon on Isaiah 40

Every year, my favorite days lie in between the Reign of Christ and Christmas. These four weeks are often called Advent. They are some of the strangest moments in the Church year. Even though this period straddles two church years the readings all have a common theme – looking ahead to a time when Christ […]


Antiracism is a hospitality value. A Sermon for The Fifth Sunday of Pentecost, Year A.

This sermon was composed and preached at The Lutheran Church of Martha and Mary on the 5th of July 2020. The First Reading: Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67 So he said, “I am Abraham’s servant. The LORD has greatly blessed my master, and he has become wealthy; he has given him flocks and herds, silver and […]


Wrestling with God and Names

Sermons are deeply contextual, and they also speak throughout their time and place to people hearing regardless of time and place. Here’s a sermon for Pridetide, delivered at University Church Chicago on 2 June 2019. Good Morning, Church! It is a joy to be with you here, in God’s house, celebrating Pride month. Thank you […]


A Thanksgiving for Names

This pride month, I’ll be offering a few liturgical and worship resources for celebrating pride in a faith context. The first is A Thanksgiving for Names. You are welcome to use and reproduce as needed. Please credit me as the author, and I’d be delighted if you sent me an order of service of bulletin […]


Challenging Visiblity: Transgender Day of Visibility 2019

There’s been a meme going around – particularly earlier this year saying “it’s 2k19, what should we give up?” Today is Transgender day of Visibility. Resisting the dominant narratives in transgender discourse, I’ve reached the conclusion that visibility plays into the hands of cis-normative white-supremacy, and perhaps this is the year to let it go. […]


Toward an ace/aro-inclusive Valentine’s Day

February as a month is all about Black History, Valentine’s Day the Beginning of Lent and Ash Wednesday.  Not all of these things are my lane, so while I support and educate myself on Black History, while I’ll probably go to church on Ash Wednesday, I want to focus on my lane – LGBTQIA+ people […]


On Being Bisexual+

This year for Bisexual+ Visibility Week, I came out, again. I’ve become much more intentional about claiming space within the bisexual umbrella. You see, for a long time I understood bisexuality to denote attraction to cisgender and transgender binary men and women.  As I have made clear, I don’t understand myself as functioning within the binary. […]